Pacific Palisades Residents Association

Urgent! Oppose Motion 21-0350

PPRA Opposes Motion 21-0350 to Use Will Rogers State Beach, Dockweiler Beach in Playa del Rey, and Fisherman’s Village in Marina Del Rey for Housing the Homeless

Pacific Palisades Photo D Ramey Logan.jpg from Wikimedia Commons by D Ramey Logan, CC-BY-SA 4.0

interview with mel, a boardwalk survivor

Mel Wingfield is a Palisades father of two young boys who got addicted to meth and ended up living on the Venice Boardwalk for many months. Mel tells PPRA about his struggle to save his life, start over and rebuild a relationship with his boys. The reason Mel chose to speak to PPRA is because he wants everyone to know that "having a meth village built at Will Rogers State Beach would be just devastating."

Mel continues by saying "it would be absurd to bring them into the neighborhood because it would be unbelievably dangerous. These people are taking ownership of the sidewalks, they are violent, there is a gang element, it's extremely dangerous for the community. God forbid a kid in the neighborhood decides to do meth once, next thing you know he's trying to quit but then he knows where to get more, it's so accessible, so easy to get, it's right down the street at Will Rogers State Beach - it's not a good idea."

Please DONATE to the PPRA Legal Fund to defend against homeless encampments at the beach. Find a donation button or send a check to PPRA:.

P.O. Box 1141 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-9997

EIN #. 95-6190193

protect our beaches

Please help us keep our beaches safe, clean, and accessible this summer! Sign the petition and/or help us fight by donating through paypal. It is up to each one of us to protect that which we value.

Los Angeles residents are signing petitions for the recall of city council member Mike Bonin, as public outrage against his efforts to house the city’s homeless at the beach continues to grow.

“Housing” for the Homeless at Will Rogers Beach

Pacific Palisades Residents Association Opposes Motion to Use Will Rogers State Beach for Housing the Homeless

City Councilman Mike Bonin introduced a motion to allow single-occupancy tiny homes and safe camping/parking on the county-owned parking lot at Will Rogers State Beach in Pacific Palisades. It was seconded by Mark Ridley-Thomas.

If the motion is eventually approved by the City Council, people who are homeless because of drugs, mental illness or economic  bad breaks will have access to beachside property.

The Will Rogers parking lot is typically filled in the summer and holiday weekends with hard-working people, many of whom come from inland with their families to enjoy the sand and ocean.

For over 60 years Pacific Palisades Residents Association has worked to protect and preserve the neighborhoods and the coastal mountain environment of Pacific Palisades and surrounding areas as well as to educate its members, the community, and elected officials on issues that affect the environment and quality of life in Pacific Palisades and Los Angeles.  PPRA has successfully fought the use of Santa Monica Bay for oil exploration and against oversize and ill-conceived development projects in Pacific Palisades.  But who would have thought that the latest challenge to its neighborhoods and the environment comes from its own City Councilmember?

City Council Motion CF No. 21-0350, by Councilmember Mike Bonin and seconded by Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas, proposes to use the parking lot of Will Rogers State Beach, among other sites, for the construction of “micro-houses” and safe camping for an unknown number of the City’s homeless population.  The land encompassing Will Rogers State Beach was a gift to the public from the Rogers family in 1944, and the State Beach is among Los Angeles’ major attractions.  Because it is readily accessible by Interstate 10 and the Pacific Coast Highway, Will Rogers State Beach is used by families and residents from throughout the City as well as tourists from all around the world.  Like parks and other beaches that are owned and/or operated by governmental entities, Will Rogers State Beach essentially is held in trust for the benefit of all citizens, not just those prescribed in the Motion.

PPRA is fully aware that the Motion only directs the City’s Administrative Officer to “evaluate” and “identify funding” for the proposed housing and camping.  The flaws in what the Motion conceives are numerous and obvious, but PPRA and Los Angeles residents also know that the CAO is beholden to the Mayor and City Council, and that evaluations and funding can be skewed accordingly.  Moreover, there is no prescribed or viable process to challenge the CAO’s findings or the City’s and County’s decisions to use Will Rogers State Beach for housing short of expensive litigation.

Therefore, Pacific Palisades Residents Association opposes Motion CF No. 21-0350 and urges that it not be adopted by City Council.

Bonin should rethink the homeless issue and stop lumping everyone into one group. About two-thirds of the people need more than housing — they need detox; they need mental illness help. This is where billions of dollars should be spent by city, county and state agencies.

Please help oppose this action by signing the petition and/or donating to the cause so we can keep our beaches safe.
Checks can be mailed to: PO BOX 1141, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-9997
EIN#: 95-6190193
sign the petition now

find out why this is so important!

PPRA Jon Brown tells Tucker Carlson how the petition against motion 21-0350 came about

PPRA and SOFESA talk Homelessness in Los Angeles

PPRA Opposes Motion 21-0350 Homeless Encampments at Beaches and Parks in LA

What have they done to Venice Beach??

watch video now

Don't let this happen to Will Rogers State Beach! Sign petition now and/or donate to stop this abuse of our homeless and our natural resources!

Watch or listen to our live broadcast about this proposal

PPRA on Eyewitness News

Our President, Jessica Rogers, speaking up against this poorly thought-out plan for the homeless. Watch this short clip of how this will affect us all.

PPRA on the John & Ken Show

An eloquent argument for why this is a bad idea for our neighborhood.

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